Sunday 10 April 2011

Cobham Bus Museum Spring Gathering - A hot day at Dunsfold Park!

Today was my 5th visit to a Cobham Bus Museum Open Day, this year held at a new venue Dunsfold Park, better known as the home of Top Gear. The weather couldn't have been better, hot and sunny all day and its still only April!

There seemed to be less opportunities for bus rides this year, with long queues for some of the day, but it was still an excellent day and I'm sure these were just teething problems at the new location. I particularly enjoyed a ride on the internal service on Safeguard AEC Reliance 200APB.

As usual there were plenty of London Buses on display, plus a slection of others. The main theme of the day was the 60th anniversary of the London Transport RF, there was a large display of these and a cavalcade.

Please see my Flickr gallery for a selection of photos.

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